How To Lobby


'How to Lobby has been a great tool for the trade union movement. It has helped our members understand the intergovernmental process and therefore to be much more effective. This book is a must for anyone involved in international politics'
LUCIEN ROYER, Global Union's Director of Occupational, Health, Safety and

Felix Dodds is the Milo Minderbender of the Stakeholder world'

'Stakeholder Forum is a little-known organisation that has nevertheless been the source of many of the most hopeful initiatives at the summit (World Summit on Sustainable Development)' GEOFFREY LEAN, Independent on Sunday

'Civil society's efforts to advance the cause of sustainable development require clever, focused and long-term advocacy, by ever greater numbers of activists. 'Mine is a Cafe Latte' is an invaluable tool for anyone wishing to understand and contribute effectively to the competition of good ideas that intergovernmental meetings should be'
PAUL HOHNEN, former Strategic Director, Greenpeace International

"A genius for convincing the most sceptical legislator of the eminent reasonableness of the sustainable development case."
former Secretary of State for the Environment


By Felix Dodds with Michael Strauss


This is a guide on how to lobby at intergovernmental meetings, whether as a stakeholder or a government official. Many of the approaches taken are also relevant to national lobbying. The guide will take you through preparing your ideas, consulting with others, helping to understand how governments prepare and how to understand the terms used in these meetings. Organizations spend considerable resources taking staff to international meetings, often without understanding how these meetings work. This book should help make those resources better spent, as those attending should be able to better understand what they are going to attend. If you have not lobbied or just want to have a better understanding of how the intergovernmental governance process works then this book should give you an insight and tools to make your work easier.




  1.  Why attend?
  2.  evolving stakeholder involvement
  3. preparation and how to be effective
  4. scenario building and SWOT analyses
  5. attendance and participation
  6. negotiations - some tips
  7. structuring papers and statements
  8. brackets, terms, jargon and acronyms
  9. the media
  10. getting there maps, addresses, resources
  11. UN conferences and commissions.